Aryan is an English word derived from the Sanskrit “ARYA” meaning “noble” or “honorable”. Aryan WorldWide is a name synonymous with aesthetics and innovation. A leading star trading export house awarded by Government of India , Aryan is a chosen vendor to distinctive international design retailers in the United States, Western Europe and Middle East.

Aryan Worldwide is a family of artisans who have clustered to create the highest perfections by blending and imbibing aesthetics in all its creations. An association that started as a four member team has grown to a family of over 350 members in the last 20 years.

The manufacturing span of Aryan Worldwide includes seasonal decor made of glass beads and embroidery to create Christmas tree décor. The present span includes eclectic Table Accents as Beaded and Embroidery placemats, Embroidery runners and napkin rings of Glass Beads.